Protecting the Neighbors Second Homes?

A recent ad in the Leelanau Enterprise urged Leelanau Township residents to protect our neighbors instead of a developer.

But let’s take a look at where those “neighbors” – many of whom have vocally opposed Timber Shores – really live. It’s an easy check using

Out of the 23 properties on North Cove Trail there are seven that belong to property owners who have been vocal in their opposition to Timber Shores.  Five of those seven opponents list downstate or out of state mailing addresses including:

·       Birmingham, Michigan

·       Saline, Michigan

·       Ada, Michigan

·       Dayton, Ohio

·       Lake Forest, Illinois

Another group of “neighbors” live on Indian Camp Road.  Of the 14 who live south of Camp Haven, their mailing addresses include nine downstate locations, one in Florida, one in Suttons Bay and three who list Northport as their mailing address.

Who are we protecting?

Keep in mind that these “neighbors” have vilified the developer in the most caustic terms, asserted that campground guests will consist of drug dealers and other criminals, and made ridiculous claims that the RV park will dump more than seven million gallons of sewage into the bay every year. There’s not a shred of truth in any of that and the other absurd claims they’ve made in their efforts to stop Timber Shores.

These are also the “neighbors” who vehemently urged the township to declare a moratorium on RV campground applications and amend the commercial resort zoning ordinance to make it more difficult to restore Timber Shores.

Support Timber Shores. Vote NO on the amended commercial resort zoning ordinance Nov. 8.

Ruth Walker